
Friday 9 May 2014

What We Want to Know!

This term we are going to be learning all about the Waikato River. Mrs Richardson asked us what we knew about the River. At first we didn’t know very much at all. Then Mrs Richardson gave us an activity to do where we had to write on the outside of the piece of paper all the things about the words ‘Waikato’ and ‘River’ which turned out to be quite a lot. After we talked about our ideas we all had a space on the paper to write down the things that we didn’t know. We had lots of them! We only had four minutes to get all our thinking down. We had lots of questions on our pages. We had to look through them and choose which ones we would like to answer in our Topic study. We had to think really had because we didn’t want to ask closed questions otherwise our topic study would be over really quickly! These are our picture frames showing all the things we know about the Waikato River. All the things we don’t know and our key question we would like to find out. Stay tuned to see if we answer all our questions. These are our picture frames.


Anonymous said...

Well done Room 5. I can hear and feel how excited you are about your new learning. I am looking forward to coming back to your blog to see your inquiry about the Waikato River.

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